The in-person Devi Circles are happening during these months all over the world on new moon and full moon days. Women and femmes all over the world are encouraged to invite five to nine friends to their house or at another physical location, for a two-hour period to run the first in-person Devi Circle, called the Joy Circle. Goddess Lakshmi and other ascended goddesses promises nothing short of a grand transformation of humanity with the birthing of a new joy-centered consciousness on Earth at this time. She and other ascended Goddesses from different spiritual pantheons have joined together to create a global Devi Circle movement which together with other women circle movements in many countries are ushering in a once-in-a-millennia transformation of humanity.
For additional support on becoming a Devi Circle Coordinator to run a Joy Circle, we highly recommend that you can join one of the following Devi Circles coordinators WhatsApp groups in the language you prefer:
Devi Circles (English): https://chat.whatsapp.com/CBLcaCbaVl6INbre9C76kG
Devi Circles (Hindi): https://chat.whatsapp.com/G6ZjfJCSVH49G1HBa2dYKN
Devi Circles (Telugu): https://chat.whatsapp.com/F6UrJ6XrRZl9c5fxleaGkX
You can download the guidelines to run your first Lakshmi Circle for women and femmes below.