Wisdom and Empowerment Series

Learn about the primordial wisdom of body, soul, and the higher self. The workshops in this series draw from the teachings of the book, "A Thousand Seeds of Joy: Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati." The participants will learn various practices to dissolve stressful thoughts and negative emotions and awaken to the soul feelings of joy, love, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, peace, freedom, and others. The workshop will use guided meditations, experiential exercises, and group sharing processes.

Souls and universes are born from emptiness with an explosion of joy. This is not an ordinary joy; it is a primordial joy made up of emptiness, which manifests all of creation.

~ Goddess Saraswati

Wisdom and Empowerment Benefits

  • Learn about the four levels of consciousness-mind, body, soul, and higher self-and how to ascend from one level to the next.
  • Strengthen your ability to experience body sensations using breath and yoga poses.
  • Awaken to the soul feelings of primordial joy and unconditional love using sutra, satsang, and sadhana.
  • Learn how to dissolve the energies of stressful thoughts and negative emotions and awaken the soul feelings of joy, love, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, peace, freedom, and others.
  • Learn how to surrender to the higher self with mantra, chanting, visualization and meditation.
  • Awaken to the divine mother-energy of Goddess Saraswati and create an altar to bond with her.
  • Discover the different wisdom paths created by Goddess Saraswati in Vedanta, Mahayana Buddhism, and Vajrayana Buddhism.

Wisdom and Empowerment

How does spiritual wisdom truly empower our daily lives? What is the Hindu/Buddhist concept of emptiness and how is it related to fullness? What are the different levels of consciousness? How are emotions different from soul feelings? Devi Soul: Wisdom and Empowerment with Goddess Saraswati is a workshop for realizing and embodying the wisdom of soul feelings. The participants will learn how to dissolve the energies of stressful thoughts, divisive beliefs, self-judgments, and negative emotions and awaken the soul feelings of joy, love, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, peace, freedom, and others. By learning to observe the divisive mind with presence and openness, the participants will learn how to recreate a unifying, focused mind. This workshop is based upon the first part of the book, "A Thousand Seeds of Joy: Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati," by Ananda Karunesh. The participants will explore the wisdom of Goddess Saraswati with experiential processes, group exercises, and guided meditations. In this one-week immersion with Goddess Saraswati, the participants will learn i) how to dissolve the stressful mind with body sensations using breath and yoga, ii) how to awaken soul feelings with sutra, satsang, and sadhana, and iii) how to surrender to the higher self by mantra, chanting, visualization and meditation. They will also explore guided meditations to dissolve specific emotions, such as fear, loneliness, sorrow, and others.